With the digital industry growing faster than any other, there’s never been a better time to get on board and give your business a technology transformation. Check out these funding opportunities to support you and help move your business into the digital age.
Company offering funding | Grant name | Grant available | Key messages | Additional information | Deadline | Link to information (if available) |
Access Group Foundation | Grants from £25,000 to £100,000 | Available to registered charities, CICs, educational establishments and CIOs for projects to fix the digital divide by offering data, devices, or learning to disadvantaged and vulnerable people. | Rolling | Apply - The Access Foundation (theaccessgroupfoundation.com) | ||
Believe Housing | Bridging the gap community grant | £500 | The Bridging the Gap community grant is a new fund to assist our communities with projects addressing the Energy and Cost of Living crises. | Improving digital access- groups can receive support for opportunities to access the internet for free in the community. Funding can be used to deliver workshops offering support to people to use the internet. | N/A | £500 small community grant | believe housing |
Chance to win £500 from the National Digital Inclusion Network | £500 | A chance to win £500 Currys gift card from completing the survey. | Complete the survey on the Good Things Foundation's website | |||
Clothworkers' Foundation digital infrastructure grants | For larger projects (£100,000+), the Foundation generally funds 10% or more of the balance to be raised. | The Clothworkers’ Foundation has recently expanded the eligibility criteria for their open grants programmes and now offer capital grants for digital infrastructure projects and will consider applications for products and software (such as websites, databases and apps). | For smaller projects (with a balance of less than £10,000), the Foundation generally funds between 50% and 100% of the balance. | Rolling | Clothworkers' Foundation grants. | |
County Durham Community Foundation | Community Grants | Up to £5000 | Covers a broad range of themes. | Can apply for an additional £500 to "green your project". | N/A | Run a funding phone in session every Thursday lunchtime - Book via the website: www.cdcf.org.uk/apply-for-a-grant/grants-for-groups/ |
County Durham Community Foundation | Poverty Hurts (small grant) | Up to £2000 | Poverty related projects: food, isolation (can be digital) , energy support, advice | Your centre can apply for a Poverty Hurts small + Poverty Hurts large + Community | N/A | Run a funding phone in session every Thursday lunchtime - Book via the website: www.cdcf.org.uk/apply-for-a-grant/grants-for-groups/ |
County Durham Community Foundation | Poverty Hurts (large grant) | Up to £10,000 | Same themes as poverty hurts small | Max of £1000 can be used to fund items to distribute, including food. The focus of the grant is on the running costs of your project. | N/A | Run a funding phone in session every Thursday lunchtime - Book via the website: www.cdcf.org.uk/apply-for-a-grant/grants-for-groups/ |
Durham 4 Community | A one stop shop for community funding in County Durham. The site allows you to search by organisation type, category or using a keyword, to find a wealth of opportunities both locally and nationally. Improving your digital presence, providing support for digital skills and projects that mitigate the digital divide are just some of the initiatives you could get funding for. | https://www.idoxopen4community.co.uk/durhamcc?bcr=MTIzNA | ||||
The Fat Beehive Foundation | Funding to Improve Online Digital Presence for Small Charities | up to £2,500 | UK charities can apply to the Fat Beehive Foundation for funding of up to £2,500 to help them improve their online digital presence. The funding is available to charities with an average income of less than £400,000 a year to support hard-to-fund digital expenditures that other funders will often not cover. | The closing date for the next round of applications is 5 pm on the 27th September 2024. | https://www.fatbeehivefoundation.org.uk/ | |
Friends of the Elderly | Grants for Older People | Maximum value £500 | Small grants are available to support older people living on low incomes in England and Wales with the costs of home essentials, unexpected large bills, living costs and getting connected online. The funding is intended to support older people who are of, or over, state pension age (66 years) and living on low incomes in England or Wales and facing financial difficulties. | N/A | Friends of the Elderly | |
Karbon Homes | Community Funding | Maximum value £4,000 | Grants are available for local not-for-profit and voluntary community organisations, as well as local schools, to support local community projects which have a positive impact on the lives of Karbon residents in North East England. The Community Funding programme aims to support projects that make a real difference to people's lives and wellbeing within the communities in which Karbon Homes works. | N/A | Community Funding | |
Material Focus | Material Focus - Electricals Recycling Fund | Up to £100,000 | Grants are available to support recycling, reuse or repair organisations that test creative and practical methods for collecting unwanted electricals within the UK. | N/A | Material Focus - Electricals Recycling Fund | |
National Lottery Awards | Groups can apply for funding under £20,000, or over £20,001, depending on what they want to do. | The National Lottery Community Fund has doubled the amount of funding available to grassroots projects, in what it’s calling the biggest change in National Lottery funding for a generation. Awards for All now has a maximum limit of £20,000 and has doubled the funding period to two years. | Ongoing. Apply at least 16 weeks before you want to start the activities or spend any of the money. | Home | The National Lottery Community Fund (tnlcommunityfund.org.uk). | ||
North East Business Support Fund | maximum grant of £3,200 | Provides small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in County Durham with 40% funding for business improvement projects costing between £2,500 and £8,000 (maximum grant of £3,200). The grant can be used towards almost any business support including social media, website design and marketing. | Rolling | https://nebsf.co.uk/grant-funding/business-grants-in-county-durham/ | ||
WCIT | WCIT – IT4Good Grant Programme | maximum grant of £15,000 | Grants are available for not-for-profit organisations across the UK to deliver IT projects and activities that support the themes of education, inclusion, IT for charities, and understanding of IT. | 31/10/2024 | https://wcitcharity.org.uk/ |